Tutorials for building apps with real-world applications.
Visualizing COVID-19 with Pandas & MatPlotLib
Learn how to analyze and visualize COVID-19 Data with 4 complete graphs to track our insights as we build charts together.
Predicting Stock Prices with Machine Learning
Build a Linear Regression Model with SKLearn, load and analyze Stock Price data, and predict stock prices 30 days in the future!
Speech Recognition with Python and Flask
Build a Speech-to-Text Transcription Service on audio file uploads with Python and Flask using the SpeechRecognition module!
Amazon Prime Video Selenium Scraper
Build a Selenium and BeautifulSoup Web Scraper that parses and generates a database of movie titles, ratings and synopses from the Amazon Prime Video homepage.
Weather API Dashboard with Python and Flask
Build a Weather Dashboard in Flask that takes in a Zip Code, crawls the OpenWeatherMap API and returns the results to the user!
U.S. Presidential Polling Dashboard
Build a U.S. Presidential Polling Dashboard that scrapes the latest polls from FiveThirtyEight with BeautifulSoup and renders the data in a Flask Dashboard!
Recognizing Handwritten Digits with Python
Build a Logistic Regression Model with SKLearn, load and analyze 70,000 digits from the MNIST dataset, and accurately recognize samples!
Celebrity Tweet Analysis and Visualization
Parse any celebrity's tweets from their Twitter Account with Tweepy, apply sentiment analysis, and visualize common patterns in their Tweets! We chose Donald Trump when we built the project, but due to his account suspension, change Trump to any celebrity!
Sentiment Analysis of Stock News
Build a Python Scraper to gather news headlines on common stocks, apply sentiment analysis on the headlines and visualize the results!
Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Price Visualization
Build and publish an interactive Plotly chart for Bitcoin Prices by pulling and caching data from multiple exchanges using Quandl!
Song Lyrics Generator with Markov Chains
Learn how to build a Flask Application that generates lyrics for any artist by scraping their top songs on Genius and feeding it into a Markov Model!