Sentiment Analysis of Stock News
Build a Python Scraper to gather news headlines on common stocks, apply sentiment analysis on the headlines and visualize the results!
Get Started
46 minutes
This project is a beginner-friendly Python and Data Science application focused on building a script to analyze the sentiment of news articles of stocks on FinViz. We'll learn how to use the Requests module in Python, parse the HTML returned in BeautifulSoup and get the Article Data, apply Sentiment Analysis on the data with NLTK and finally visualize the results of our data frame in Pandas with MatPlotLib.
Project Tasks
Welcome to the project!
2 min
Visualization of Sentiment Analysis with MatPlotLib
View sentiment results using the MatPlotLib data visualization package.
11 min
Parsing Finviz Article Data with BeautifulSoup
Using the BeautifulSoup Python text scraper, go through financial article literature.
11 min
Manipulating Article Data with Pandas
Use the Pandas data analysis package to explore and manipulate article data.
12 min
Applying Sentiment Analysis on Article Headlines
Apply text sentiment analysis on the headlines using the vader_lexicon package.
12 min