Celebrity Tweet Analysis and Visualization
Parse any celebrity's tweets from their Twitter Account with Tweepy, apply sentiment analysis, and visualize common patterns in their Tweets! We chose Donald Trump when we built the project, but due to his account suspension, change Trump to any celebrity!
Get Started
35 minutes
This project is a beginner-friendly Python and Data Science application focused on using the Tweepy module to parse, analyze and visualize Donald Trump’s tweets. We’ll get a list of all of his latest tweets, create a data frame and build visualizations on number of likes, sentiment analysis of his tweets and finally a word map on the common words he uses.
Project Tasks
Welcome to the project!
2 min
Setting up Twitter Authentication with Tweepy
We will be setting up Twitter authentication for get the information needed for the rest of the project.
8 min
Analyzing and Visualizing Tweet Sentiment
Applying sentiment analysis on daily Tweets using Vader sentiment intensity analyzer function.
9 min
Generating a Word Cloud of Common Words
Creating a Word Cloud to visualize the most common words in Tweets.
6 min
Visualizing Number of Likes Per Tweet
Plotting a histogram of the number of likes across our Celebrity's Tweets.
5 min
Creating our Tweet DataFrame
Creating the DataFrame from Twitter data to be parsed later on in this project.
8 min