Predicting Stock Prices with Machine Learning

Build a Linear Regression Model with SKLearn, load and analyze Stock Price data, and predict stock prices 30 days in the future!

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Predicting Stock Prices with Machine Learning demo


Machine Learning


30 minutes




This project is a beginner-friendly Python and Machine Learning application focused on building a linear regression model to analyze and predict future stock prices. We’ll learn how to use the Quandl package to read Stock Data, create our testing and training datasets and standardize our input data, fit the linear regression model and visualize the predicted results of our prices with MatPlotLib!

Project Tasks

Welcome to the project!

2 min

Applying Linear Regression

Build a Linear Regression Model with SKLearn, load and analyze Stock Price data, and predict stock prices 30 days in the future!

7 min

Visualizing our Predicted Results

Build a Linear Regression Model with SKLearn, load and analyze Stock Price data, and predict stock prices 30 days in the future!

6 min

Gathering our Financial Data

Build a Linear Regression Model with SKLearn, load and analyze Stock Price data, and predict stock prices 30 days in the future!

8 min

Processing our Train and Test Data

Build a Linear Regression Model with SKLearn, load and analyze Stock Price data, and predict stock prices 30 days in the future!

9 min